
I'm kelsey and i LOVE dogs.i like all animals but dogs are my favorite out of all of them.They just have something that other animal in this world don't have,the cuteness,that puppy face,all the different shapes,colors,sizes,all the different personalties you can choose from.when you pick a pet to enter your home you have to choose wisley because that might be the only best friend you can choose what color,shape,size or personalities you want it to have.Unlike humans........you really can't force a person to be something you want them to be,unlike dogs you have millons of them to choose from (or any other pet).Anyways back to me.My favorite two colors are pink and orange-(i can't choose between the two of them they're both pretty colors) My favorite food is lasagna.My favorite dessert is cheese cake,my favorite animal is a dog (i already told you that)My favorite toy is littlest pet shop and my instrests is animal shelter volunteering,making videos,writing,drawling and learning more about animals.When i grom up i want to be a vet and a famous writer (and maybe anything else dog related)